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Cosmic Gateway


= Self Realization & Awareness

= Soul Dis-Covery

= Transformation

= Empowerment

= Embodiment

= Stillness

= Union

= Wholeness

“The present moment is all there is.”

~Ekhart Tolle

meditation light

TO BE Presence . . .

… fully conscious of the now and free from distractions and noise of internal mind chatter. This state of being is often felt as stillness, peace and calm. A connection of the highest self, the “real” or true” you, rather than the expression of the personality.

The mind has been pre-programmed to wander. And has led the way for thousands of years. Power and Ego. Whether revisiting and sharing experiences of the past or exploring ideas and plans of the future…. This is its default mode of the mind, till you consciously choose to create the shift from within. It is the felt voice of the higher heart…highest self…source love ….guiding you.

During moments of stillness, when the mind is quiet, a space is created within the mental flow. This is the invitation and entrance to a world beyond thought(s), beyond the mind. A space of the infinite, vastness and eternal. Stillness is often experienced intermittently. Requiring practice to Master and BE PRESENCE.


The mind is powerful and it is now for the “poles to shift.”

For the HIGHER HEART to lead the way and the MIND to be given a new role. The mind, to support the higher hearts intention and soul expression. manifesting its reality. Both heart and mind are important in the union within the whole. Embodiment of the whole being.