Quantum healing

Reiki Cochrane

Private Sessions

Facilitator / Practitioner / Therapist: Jolene Tse

Step into the serene realm of self-discovery with Jolene , where the frequencies of love, light and gentleness beckon you to embark on a personalized journey of transformation, healing and empowerment. Delve into the enchanting & mystical quantum world of mental, emotional and lightbody sessions. Embracing and embodying the transformative, integrative frequencies of multidimensionality and whole being health and wealthness. Wisdoms and knowledge of Spiritual Technology, Energy Medicine, Quantum Physics and NeuroScience welcome you within and beyond the time space vacuum. It is here that the infinite of possibilities and potentialities are accessed and new reality is created.

Experience whole being resonance and connection within a majestic and other worldly chrysalis of presence. This sacred space, finely tuned to your unique energetic signature and soulight aspirations, guiding you towards relaxation, stress relief, and a profound connection with your highest self. Engage in the harmonious dance of energies as Jolene unites frequencies of ancient, galactic and source presence, bringing forth wisdoms and expertise creating a bespoke experience tailored exclusively for you. Explore the depth of this integration of Eastern and Western Medicines, where each session becomes a sacred exploration of well-being and whole-ness within this dynamic fabric of life.

All the things that truly matter, beauty, love, creativity, joy and inner peace arise from beyond the mind..”

~Ekhart Tolle

Meet Jolene Tse, Your Quantum Alchemy practitioner

Jolene brings forth the synergies of quantum and holistic principles. Integrating an extensive resume of earthly educational learnings with other planetary wisdoms, Jolene offers a rich tapestry of knowledge and insight. Supporting self empowerment and inner evolutionary awakening.
Being Balance, Harmony, Love and Wholeness is key in the greatness of Health, Wealth and Vitality! Nurturing the physical body; nourishing mental emotional well-being and becoming practices that ignite the infinitely expansive bliss body (lightbodies).

Supporting you in accessing your state of bliss and universal conscious awareness!

integrative medicine

The Art of Mindbody Coherence

Our thoughts and emotions most often influence the state of our body’s health. This suggests that our consciousness has the power to affect our physical reality at the quantum level.

Creating a harmonious relationship between the mind (conscious and unconscious) and the body (physical sensations, psychological responses) is key to health and wealth in whole-being.

Not sure where to begin the healing process or perhaps you have exhausted traditional modalities and western medicine? Embark on an inner journey of self exploration as Jolene gently guides & supports you into the awakening of your divine presence within.

quantum healing

Enter the Realm of Quantum Radiance

Step into a sacred space of quantum healing and integrative medicine with Jolene Tse as your trusted guide. An ethereal union of energy and light frequencies promoting healing and inner evolution, supporting the remembrance of the infinite being that you are!

It is time to emerge from your chrysalis and elevate your wholeness in health and wealth-being, as you soar within greatness, creating your life’s journey.

lightbody sessions.

Tailored Integrative Exploration

Embark on a personalized exploration of Integrative healing with Jolene Tse. Experience the gentle and loving frequencies as they gracefully support your specific requests.

Whether you seek mental emotional balance, physical well-being, or spiritual alignment, Jolene's expertise ensures a unique and transformative session soulfully for you!